Resources on a Christian Worldview


Worldview: The History of a Concept
David K. Naugle
Fills an important gap in worldview scholarship by showing how the concept has been used by a myriad of thinkers past and present. Thorough and scholarly.


Blaise Pascal
Pascal was a many-sided genius and a deep Christian thinker. Pensées is a classic in philosophical writing, especially his famous wager argument for the existence of God.


The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog
James W. Sire
Skillfully examines a plethora of worldviews: Christian Theism, Deism, Natu­ralism, Nihilism, Existentialism, Eastern Pantheistic Monism, the New Age, and Post­modernism. Written with clarity and verve.


Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept
James W. Sire
Goes deeper and tackles the meta-questions that concern the theoretical underpinnings of worldview thinking. Interacts with Naugle’s discussion and explores “Worldviews as a Tool for Analysis.” An intentional companion to The Universe Next Door.


A Place to Stand
Elton Trueblood
Written after teaching philosophy for fifty years. Takes up the claim of Archimedes (the inventor of the ful­crum) that if he had a place to stand he could move the world. Argues that Christ as he comes before us in the Gospels is that place to stand. A good read for those who like the autobiographical approach.


Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview
Albert M. Wolters
A slim volume but filled with great insight into a Christian ap­proach to worldview thinking in terms of the interplay of creation, fall, and restoration.