What keeps people from flourishing today? For many college students, busyness not only weighs them down, it causes high levels of anxiety, fear, and depression. But a flourishing life is a life that both goes well and is lived well. This essay offers students a way of hope when they recognize that they will only flourish when they live in right relationship to God, their environment, their neighbors, and themselves. Explore how you, too, can have a flourishing life.
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Danielle Sallade is a staff member of Princeton Evangelical Fellowship at Princeton University, where she graduated before earning a Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Raised in a home with mixed religious traditions (Judaism and Christianity), Danielle committed her life to Christ as a young teenager. She has been working with students in various capacities since 1994, and at Princeton Evangelical Fellowship, she particularly ministers to the women through Bible study and discipleship and offers pastoral care to the ever-growing alumni family. Danielle also speaks for churches and groups, including the Gospel Coalition, and is actively involved in her home church.