How can we talk to our non-believing, skeptical friends about things that matter? We want them to be more than just our friends. We want them also to have the opportunity to know, love, and worship Jesus. But if we over-play this, we risk driving them away. They might never want to have another awkward conversation with us again. But if we under-play this, our friends will never have the chance to hear about Jesus. Maybe they would’ve gladly believed in Jesus, if only we had told them, but we didn’t! So how can we get the balance right?

Sam Chan is a cultural analyst, public speaker, and author for City Bible Forum, Australia. He is a global citizen—born in Hong Kong, studied and practicing medicine in Australia, and did his PhD in theology at Trinity Evanelical Divinity School (TEDS), Chicago. He is hopeless at dancing, taking out the garbage, and karaoke. Sam is the author of Evangelism in a Skeptical World and blogs at EspressoTheology.com.