Resources on
Sin: Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be


Original Sin: A Cultural History
Alan Jacobs
Jacobs traces the human understanding of original sin (the moral and spiritual taint within the human race) from Augustine to “Hellboy.” The writing and thinking are absolutely first quality—vigorous, penetrating, adept. While alarmingly learned, Jacobs’ book is also accessible and witty.


Glittering Vices: A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins and their Remedies
Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
A college professor writes intelligently and clearly about envy, vainglory, sloth, avarice, anger, gluttony, and lust—and their offspring. Remedies are wise and time-tested. The author illustrates lavishly from contemporary culture as well as from classical sources.


The Great Divorce
C. S. Lewis
A Christian classic, this short work demonstrates Lewis’ mastery on such topics as human desire, corruption, and joy. Lewis was convinced that people are in hell because they want to be there; “the doors are locked on the inside.” His depiction of dying with Jesus Christ (throwing off our besetting sins) comes from a depth of centuries.


The Screwtape Letters
C. S. Lewis
Another Lewis classic, this short volume of reverse theology consists of a senior devil’s counsel to a junior devil on how to tempt a new Christian away from God. Hell is a bureaucracy where everybody is scared and humorless. But the advice (let him notice his humility and be proud of it) is often witty.


Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin
Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.
A study of the nature of sin, including corruption, deceit, folly, addiction, attacks on God, and flight from God. An Epilogue states that while human sin is horrible, the Christian faith centers not on sin but on our Savior from sin.